Answers To The Top 5 Questions About A Flooded Home

A flooded home can be terrifying and leave you wondering what you should do next. A disaster cleanup service should be your first priority after ensuring your family is safe. If the right company is hired they will take care of removing all the water as well as ensuring your valuables are safe. They will even file your insurance claims. Below are the top 5 questions every home or business owner has when they have a flooded home.

  • What Should I do first?

The first thing you should do is make sure your family is safe. After that, turn off your main water supply. This should stop any more water coming in to your home. The very next step should be calling a disaster cleanup service. They will make your life very easy.

  • Why can’t I just remove the water myself?

You can, but water has a sneaky way of hiding under floors, carpets, and inside walls. Once this happens mold will form and your structure will rot. It is important to call a professional who has specialized equipment to ensure all the water is removed and that your items are cleaned and sanitized.

  • Should I touch anything before help arrives?

Do not move anything without taking pictures first. You will need documentation for your insurance claims. If you do need to move some items make sure you take several pictures first. If you can wait, then do so. When the disaster cleanup service arrives they will handle it for you. They are professionals and know what type of pictures are needed as well as what needs to be documented for your insurance company!

  • Should I pick the first company I see in the phonebook?

No, you shouldn’t. A great disaster cleanup service will be insured, bonded, and certified in your area. If they do not offer 24 hour emergency services as well as guarantee services, move on. If they do not help with insurance claims they are not worth it!

  • Do I let the disaster cleanup service handle the water or should I help?

As much as we love your wish to help, it is important to let the disaster cleanup service do their job. They know what to do and how to do it. Safety is always in involved when dealing with any disaster and a flood is no different. Let them handle it. They will inform you and keep you abreast of any problems as they go along, but for your safety it is best to let them do their job!

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