Interior and Exterior Home Checks To Do This Spring!

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The best part of spring is the melting snow and warmer weather. After a harsh winter, it is important that you check your property for any damages. Damages can easily happen and go unnoticed. If this occurs, it can create extensive and expensive damages to your property. Below we will talk about interior and exterior areas you should check to ensure your home is in tip-top shape!

Roofing and Gutters

Roofs and gutters are two of the areas where we see damages after the snow melts. Snow and ice can cause a lot of weight on your roof, which can lead to structural damages, including missing shingles and detached gutters. If this occurs, it will cause water damage to your attic and the sides of your walls. A quick check of these areas can ensure your home does not accrue any water damages.

Windows and Siding

Siding and windows can become damaged from storms, whether it be a snowstorm or severe storm. You should ensure there are no broken seals or cracks in your windows, as well as no holes or damages to your siding. This can not only cause water to enter your home but also insects and rodents.

Basements and Attics

Basements and attics are two areas where we see a lot of water damage, mold growth, and rot. These areas are not checked as often, meaning water could sit for months, allowing mold to grow and rot to occur. You should check your basement and attic regularly. Water damages to these areas can be pretty extensive, especially if it is not found for weeks or months.

Fire Alarms and Fire Extinguishers

Fire alarms should be examined, and the batteries replaced with the change of the season. It is important to get in the habit of fire alarm maintenance. It is also important to check your fire extinguishers, as they do expire.

Outdoor Spigots

Your outdoor spigots should be protected over the winter. However, this does not mean that they did not accrue damages. Winter weather can cause spigots to freeze and possibly burst. If this happens, you could have water entering your home without your knowledge.

If you do have water damage or mold growth, it is important to contact your local disaster cleanup service provider. They will be able to provide water damage restoration and mold remediation services.