It’s time for Labor Day, which leads to other end-of-summer celebrations! Don’t let your summer celebration end prematurely. The summer is a common time for household fires, second only to December when fires spark due to holiday lighting and Christmas trees. Disaster Cleanup Services is here for you. We have compiled a list of items that can cause a fire to start in or around your home.
Stoves and Grills
Cookouts with your family and friends is a staple of summer, but did you know many fires are started from either a stove or grill? Propane is one of the most common fire starters, as is unsupervised stoves and grills. While enjoying your cookout, make sure that the grill or stove is under adult supervision. It could prevent from needing fire remediation.
Summer holidays and fireworks are the typical fun events for family and friends, but they can spark a fire if not monitored closely. If it has not rained or you are under a drought advisory, you should not be using fireworks. Even under normal conditions, it is important that all firework activities occur under adult supervision. A stray firework could set your home on fire.
A/C Units
An air conditioning unit can spark a fire through its electrical system. This can happen from a frayed cord or a faulty unit. The best bet is to check your A/C units on a regular basis and ensure that your fire alarms have batteries and are functioning properly.
A simple fire outside can cause devastating damages to your home. A small fire and some s’mores are a great idea until the fire gets out of hand or is left unsupervised. A single spark can ignite grass near your home and spread quickly. If you have a bonfire or use a firepit, it is crucial to make sure the fire is out before heading inside for bed.
If you do have fire damages, call a disaster cleanup company to ensure your home receives the proper fire remediation it deserves.